in this tutorial, bold text represents example file names, which you will replace with your desired file names
create file using inkscape export as png export bitmap size 1000 dpi,
put a border around your drawing
mark selection for export
open cmd shell linux command line terminal
fab@fab-desktop:~$ png_path creates path file from your .png
lists slicing options and possible arguments.
fab@fab-desktop:~$ png_path john.png out.path creates path file from your .png
here, no arguments are used
john.png and out.path are examples
fab@fab-desktop:~$ path_ps out.path; evince generates a visual representation of your toolpath
fab@fab-desktop:~$ path_uni will show a list of variables / arguments for you to control,
seen in the following line of this tutorial as the italicized numbers
fab@fab-desktop:~$ path_uni
command line: path_uni in.path out.uni [power [speed [x0 y0 [max_power]]]]
in.path = input path file
out.uni= output Universal lasercutter file
power = percent power (optional, 0-100, default 100)
speed = percent speed (optional, 0-100, default 100)
x0 = left position (optional, mm, default path, 0 = left side of bed)
y0 = front position (optional, mm, default path, 0 = back, front positive)
max_power = maximum power for maximum z value (optional, 0-100, default 100)
fab@fab-desktop:~$ path_uni out.path out.uni 75 50 25 25 settings for laser cutter
fab@fab-desktop:~$ uni_send out.uni sends file to laser cutter